Swarens: 'Dictator Pence,' let Glenda Ritz do her job, students write in class assignment

Tim Swarens

In the distant past, say last week, I used to worry about whether we as a state were adequately preparing our children for the rigors of life in the 21st century.

Well, today I bring good news, fellow Hoosiers. Our long winter of consternation about the state of our schools has passed, and there are remarkable signs that bright young minds are now blooming like tulips in the April sun.

Why the fresh bouquet about education in our state? Well, over the past couple of days I've been perusing a batch of remarkable letters from a class of young scholars at Wilbur Wright Elementary in New Castle.

The school's motto is, "Where Children Soar," and based on these letters, written as a class assignment and shipped via email to the State Board of Education and state legislators, there is truth in that advertising. Remarkably so.

These children — 10- and 11-year-olds, mind you — have delved into the intricacies of Statehouse politics, the complexities of ISTEP testing and the injustice of holding teachers accountable for students' work, and arrived, unanimously, at this conclusion: Top vote-getter Glenda Ritz has been under unfair assault from "Dictator Pence."

Now, when I was in fifth grade (admittedly, back in the day when an Apple was something that kept the doctor away), I spent a lot of time collecting baseball cards and practicing my jump shot. My views on education policy didn't go much beyond whether I wanted chocolate or white milk for lunch.

But kids these days have no time for such trivialities. Not when they have their teachers' future earnings to worry about.

"Teachers shouldn't get paid by their students' grades on ISTEP," a fifth-grader named Keisha wrote as part of the class assignment. "I don't think it's fair because teachers work very hard to teach their kids all of the standards ... If a teacher teaches students who have learning disabilities, their students still have to take the ISTEP that determines their pay."

Sixth-grader Dominic also is troubled that teachers are held accountable for student test scores. "I also do not think that because we don't do 'well' on the test that the teachers who spend all day dealing with us, don't get paid as well," he wrote.

Karina, in the fifth grade, is concerned about a legislative proposal to allow the State Board of Education to elect its chair. "You are stripping Glenda Ritz of her power, and she was elected, she should be able to do her job," Karina wrote. "She was elected with over 1.3 million votes, so let her help and do what she is supposed to do."

Zade was even more forceful: "Glenda Ritz should be the one who has the power to control what goes on in Indiana public schools, not the government. Government, let Glenda Ritz do her job. ... And government, why are you trying to overthrow Glenda while Tony Bennett was the real problem for Indiana public schools."

Collin appealed to fairness and the American way: "1.3 million people voted for Glenda Ritz. That is more votes than the governor received. ... Isn't America somewhat of a democracy? If Glenda Ritz's power gets taken away, we the people would have no say in education."

Now a cynic might question how children so young became so well versed on Statehouse politics. How they all arrived at the same conclusions. How those conclusions just happen to line up with teachers union positions. And why the children's letters were emailed, by their teacher, to the State Board of Education and key lawmakers a few days ahead of high-stakes debates over controversial legislation to change the state superintendent's role and responsibilities.

Some might even question the wisdom of thrusting elementary school-age children into sharp-elbowed political debates.

To get answers to such nit-picky questions, I left messages Tuesday with the school's principal and the students' teacher. Remarkably, they didn't get back to me.

But not to worry. The teacher, Mary Jane Dye, assured the state officials to whom she sent the letters that her students "were not coached."

They all simply arrived at the only logical position. By themselves. Without help. Remarkably.

So cynics, Republicans and other meddlers in the halls of learning heed the warning of one young scholar who wrote: "Mike Pence has been called 'Dictator Pence' by many on the Internet because of all of this, and I'm sure others have been called similar names. Is having all of Indiana against you worth doing this to Glenda Ritz? Do you want to be glared at everywhere you go?"

Glared at? Like an outcast in the lunch room? Not me. I'll bend to peer pressure as easily as the next guy.

So let's repeat: 1.3 million votes. Tony Bennett is the problem. Let Glenda do her job.

Email Swarens at tim.swarens@indystar.com. Follow him on Twitter: @tswarens.