Letters: Simplify BMV's fee structure for branch offices

Vehicle titles and registration should have a set fee in Indiana.


Why can't we make things simple? The latest settlement with Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles is an excellent example. Titles and registration should have a set fee and then the branch offices would not have to use an abacus to figure how much is owed. There is no reason why we need to complicate the process. If we need income to run these organizations then fund them through state income tax payments. Patronage should never be involved in these transactions. Attorney fees of $13 million is a large drain on the taxpayers. These fees should have not been necessary and only fills the coffers of the lawyers.

Joe Banton


Renewable Fuel Standard helps Indiana farmers

There's no secret -- farmers in Indiana grow more corn and soybeans than we can use within state lines. With new international markets unlikely to develop in the near future, we need more ways to use the crops we grow.

Thankfully, here in Indiana, we have a mature and successful ethanol industry. The state has 14 plants that blend over 1 billion gallons of ethanol, which burns cleaner than petroleum, reduces our dependence on foreign oil and makes gasoline cheaper. Despite the benefits, billionaire oil executives and their lobbyists are trying to shut down those plants by working to repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard, the federal law giving consumers access to ethanol blended fuels.

If you support farmers, energy security or cleaner air, please act by calling Sen, Todd Young at (202) 224-5623 and Rep. Luke Messer at (202) 225-3021 and tell them to support the RFS.

Mark Bacon


Mainstream media's bias has been exposed

In a Letter to the Editor published in Wednesday's IndyStar, Deb Brown wants to “guide the pendulum back to the center” for the news media, which she sees as becoming dangerously polarized. Brown’s error is in believing that the mainstream media was ever in the center. It may have seemed that way when the New York Times and three major networks dominated coverage, but the appearance of opposition media didn’t force the mainstream media further left. It only exposed a bias that was always there.

If the choice is between Brown’s vision of a media pretending to be fair while subtly supporting liberal talking points and a media aggressively presenting both sides of an argument, I’ll take the diverse coverage that allows both sides to be heard. One-sided coverage only serves those already on that side.

Paul Walorski
